Conservativism in California politics

Dear Citizen –
In regard to conservativism in California politics I present the following observations 

1) Regarding the American Independent Party –

The American Independent Party ( AIP ) presents itself as a 3rd party conservative alternative in California.  Unfortunately this is a complete sham and fraud.

I have described the complete corruption of the top officers of the AIP at  These officers filed false documents with the California Secretary of State office in order to seize control of the party.  I was a direct witness to the criminal actions which I note at the above website.  Hence the AIP is now controlled by the Establishment wing of the Republican Party ( the same gang which is attacking President Trump ) for whom these officers were agents.

The Bottom Line is that the AIP exists to draw in well meaning conservatives whose energies will then be wasted as the party controllers have no intention of bringing conservative principles to the citizens.  While they present a surface veneer of conservatism and Christian foundations they, the officers at the highest level, are in fact completely opposite to their surface presentation.

Their mission, in duty to their Republican Establishment ( RE ) masters, is to thwart the development of a true 3rd party conservative alternative voice to such Establishment.  That was the reason for their stealth and criminal attack against the AIP which was designed to separate it from its, at that time, national affiliate of the Constitution Party.

Breaking apart and destroying the 3rd party national alternative to the Republican Establishment serves that Establishment by eliminating alternatives which citizens could take when they grow tired of its massive corruption.  With the possibility of alternative voices greatly diminished the RE can then turn its attention to ” more important things ” such as attacking President Trump and building its alliances with the Democratic Party.

The intention of the RE to work with the Democratic Party, either nationally or in singular states such as California, and present the citizens with election choices of either ” Tweedledumb ” or ” Tweedledee ” is that much easier when its spies can infiltrate and criminally destroy its potential opposition as with the sad fate of the AIP in California.  Citizens are hence left with zero choices as both parties ever more openly support both anti-American and anti-Constitutional programs and policies.

Bottom Line – Beware and be aware.  The AIP is a fake, extremely deceptive, and quite dead party fully controlled by an essentially criminal element.  By intention no conservative principles will be advanced by its actions as it exists simply to be a ” black hole ” which drains and neutralizes any potential forces of true conservatism.  It is that way by design and is completely controlled by the Establishment division of the Republican Party.

2) Regarding the California Republican Party –

For many years there has been an internal war within the California Republican Party ( CRP ) regarding factions representing pro-life ( PL ) and so-called pro-choice ( PC ).

This is not a ” live and let live ” interaction as the PC division of the party despises the PL division and seeks to minimally isolate its influence within the party and ideally to eliminate it entirely.

Despite the beyond valiant efforts of many PL republicans over the years the PC division of the party has been largely successful in its purge of its PL opponents and their party influence.

More openly this success has been accomplished via 2 methods –

A) enacting into law what is known as ” Top 2 ;” where the 2 highest primary vote leaders continue onto the November general election.  This allows PL primary candidates to be numerically overwhelmed by a combination of PC republicans and their natural Democratic Party allies resulting in greatly reduced numbers of PL republicans who continue onto the November general election.

This is a satisfactory result for the PC faction as its true purpose is not to oppose Democratic Party policies and objectives but to oppose and defeat what it considers to be its far greater enemy – the PL faction.  If Democratic Party policies and objectives prevail in California as the Republican Party wains that is fine to the PC republican faction as long as the PL faction loses and grows ever weaker.

B) the 2nd method of PC faction success is demonstrated by official recognition of the ” Log Cabin Club ” ( LCC ) as an officially recognized club within the California Republican Party.

The significance of this is that the LCC is a homosexual; i.e.; sodomite; club which is dedicated to, as with the PC faction, morphing the Republican Party into being a carbon copy of the Democratic Party by eradicating the Christian influence within and philosophical base of the party.

Hence official recognition of the LCC as a club within the party gives public certification that the party has jettisoned, revoked, and rebuked any Christian base to the party and has formally accepted an anti-Christian base as its replacement.; i.e.; they have replaced the PL influence within the party with its PC opposite.

Such actions are separate from additional attacks against the remaining Christian influence within the party as demonstrated by Arnold Schwarzeneggers’ formation of ” New Way California;” an attempt to even further advance ” moderate;” i.e.; PC and anti-Christian; influence within the party.

Bottom Line – The California Republican Party Establishment, the ” Money ” branch of the party, despises Christians and conservatives.  It considers them to be its greatest enemy; far far more than Democratic Party policies and objectives; has declared war on them, and will work tirelessly and endlessly until; as with Palestinian goals via Israel; the PL faction of the Republican Party is ” driven into the ( political ) sea.”

Perhaps, my Christian and conservative friends, there is a better political way.

3) Regarding the Constitution Party of California ( CPC ) –

The CPC was formed in 2010 to continue the 3rd party conservative Christian political movement in California after the takeover of the AIP by the anti-Christian and anti-conservative Republican Establishment as described at

Yes, we are a small party but we carry on the philosophical and political traditions of our Founding Fathers –

a belief in and allegiance to the principles of the Constitution;
a Christian philosophical base;
a belief in the natural family unit of man and woman as the foundational base of society;
a belief in the inherent value of human life from preborn to all ages.

We represent a continuation of the Christian foundation of the Republican Party in alliance to the foundational principles of our Constitutional Republic; principles long ago ignored and forgotten by the Establishment division of the Republican Party as it sold its soul to the ” Money Powers ” of our nation.

Hence I invite you to leave the ” Titanic ” of the California Republican Party and the betrayal of the Republican Establishment and join in building a stronger party of both principle and action.

Yes, we are small but we are a new beginning – and, unlike the Republican Establishment, developing a fighting force to advance our cause, rejecting the sickened and sickening solutions of our attackers and detractors, and setting out in the monumental task of reeducating our dying citizenry in the wonderful fundamentals which our Constitutional Republic was founded upon.  

Inertia ( noun – a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged ) is a human characteristic which is a great tool of the Reoyblican Establishment.

They can contemptously abuse true Republicans and true Republican principles and rely on the inertia of their targets to resist change; a change which is increasingly becoming the only hope for the possible victory of conservative principles.  Reference here the recent passage of the Omnibus Budget Bill by the RE.

When you decide that you have had enough betrayal from the RE and you want to join a political party that actually fights please give consideration to the Constitution Party of California.  

We are here to carry the lost light of freedom for a restoration of our nation.

Don J. Grundmann
U.S. Senate candidate Constitution Party of California
Chairman – Constitution Party of California