“Propaganda is the Primary Source of any Government’s Power”

By Larken Rose

I cannot overstate how important propaganda is, and how powerful it is. In a country where the people are armed, propaganda is the PRIMARY source of any government’s power.

Suppose tomorrow morning, everyone in the country woke up having magically FORGOTTEN that the IRS existed, forgotten about tax returns, withholding, etc. What would happen? The IRS would be FINISHED. Game over. The IRS is utterly incapable of sending out 100,000,000+ deliquency notices, much less collecting on any significant portion of them.

The system continues only because millions of people have been programmed, by MERE WORDS, to file, pay, withhold, etc. Yes, some people have actually had real things done to them (levies, prosecutions, etc.) for not doing what the IRS expected, but the vast majority “comply” because they have been programmed to “comply,” whether with propaganda about “fair share,” or with threats of nasty consequences. (Incidentally, none of the above depends upon what the law actually says; even if the income of most Americans WAS taxable, the IRS can still only get “compliance” through propaganda.)

Imagine this scenario: every one of the 100,000,000+ people who file federal income tax returns KNOW they don’t really owe the tax. (For the moment, leave out those who really DO have taxable income, because they engage in international commerce.) Now suppose that every one of them still thought that most of the OTHER people were clueless. It is quite likely that each would continue to file and pay, thinking that if they stopped, they would be the only one, and therefore would get squashed.

Now imagined that suddenly all 100,000,000+ learned that everyone ELSE knew the truth too. “Compliance” (with the IRS’ misapplication of the law) would immediately stop, because EVERYONE would feel comfortable resisting the fraud, since they would expect 100,000,000 other people to do it too.

The only difference would be their knowledge of the situation. If everyone believes that “resistance is futile,” THEN IT IS. If they believe it is not, THEN IT ISN’T. It really is that simple, which is why propaganda is so enormously important.

Imagine a powerful mob boss. WHY is he powerful? Is he physically stronger than anyone else? Does he PERSONALLY have the power to kill anyone who gets in his way? No. His power consists entirely of PROPAGANDA. His victims, his thugs, and everyone else BELIEVE that he is powerful, and therefore HE IS. If everyone suddenly “forgot” that he was the big, bad boss, he WOULDN’T BE any more. His thugs wouldn’t do his bidding, his victims wouldn’t obey his demands, and no one would be scared of him. The same was true of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, etc. Consider that carefully, and you will see the power of propaganda.

Likewise, the IRS AT ALL COSTS must keep the people thinking that resistance is futile, so that when people DO learn that they don’t owe, they are too scared to DO anything about it. And if a few people “resist” and get squashed, that STRENGTHENS the belief in all the others that resistance really is futile.

Do you know whether you have “taxable income”? A lot of you are probably unsure, but many of you know that you DON’T. But HOW many know it? Are there three or four of us, doomed to be squashed if we act on our knowledge? Or are there hundreds of thousands of us, most of whom are kept “in check” only by the unceasing message from the IRS that “we will get you if you resist!”?

I am here to tell you, in no uncertain terms, that RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, but not for us; for THEM. Yes, most people still live in dire fear of the IRS, and the IRS is still able to terrorize enough individuals to keep the rest scared. But the IRS higher-ups known darn well that the “income tax” deception is UTTERLY DOOMED.

The IRS invaded my home for shock value. It probably worked on a fair number of people, who became worried about themselves, even questioning whether they should talk to anyone about what they know. Meanwhile (after I was raided), HUNDREDS more people have learned the truth. I keep getting e-mails from rational, educated folk (including tax professionals) who–for one reason or another–stumbled on the information and got hooked. Will ANYTHING stop that from happening? Nope.

The IRS “loses” returns that mention 861. They try to deprive those who mention 861 of ALL due process rights. They threaten “frivolous return” penalties. They try to speed up collections. Appeals refuses to talk about 861, refuses to let people bring witnesses or record meetings. The Tax Court penalizes people for MENTIONING THE LAW in their little kangaroo court. The DOJ tries to have attorneys sanctioned or disbarred for RELYING ON THE LAW. The IRS keeps trying new Gestapo tactics trying to shut the issue up. They got injunctions against Thurston Bell, the folks at Taxgate, and several individual tax preparers who understand the 861 evidence. They started to try it on me (and failed), and then did ARMED RAIDS of my home and the home of my business partner. They run public threats which they call “press releases”; they vilify, insult rant, predict doom for us, and get more and more lawless.

But guess what. THE TRUTH CONTINUES TO SPREAD, and there is NOTHING they can do to stop it. I’ve been saying this for a long time, and I’ll say it again (since the IRS just proved me right): the government is going to get downright fascist before this is over. However bad you expect it to get, it will probably get a lot worse. But THEY WILL STILL LOSE. My concern now is to minimize the damage they inflict on others in their last, desperate attempts to salvage their fraud. They are, to borrow the President’s words, “the last desperate elements of a doomed regime.”

One day the government will still be saying “resistance is futile.” The next day, they will be saying “Oops, we seem to have made a slight error…” The world will know the truth. The fraud will be over. When it is, and when the “credits roll,” what do YOU want to be able to say that YOU did to help end it? Whatever story you want to tell your kids and grandkids about what you did when it mattered, we are approaching the time to DO IT.